Sunday, 29 January 2012

A big thank you

Thank you to all the parents who dressed their children up as evacuees this week. Mr Smith will be returning on Wednesday 1st February so if your child would like to dress up again this would be brilliant.
Also can I remind you that parents evenings for Year 3 will be on Monday 6th February and Wednesday 8th February. 10minute slots will be available from 3:30pm until 5:20pm on each day. Details on how you can book your preferred appointment time will be sent out this week.

Back in Time

Mr Smith the ARP warden visited our class to take us back in time. We dressed up as evacuees to learn about what life and school would have been like for a child our age during the war.

1940's Swansea Bay 2012

Trying on clothes from the 1940's

Year 3 visited the Swansea Bay Museum to find out how people lived during World War 2. They had the opportunity to experience what it was like during an air raid and staying in a public shelter.
"We walked the streets visiting different shops, houses and the pub. Have a look at the pictures of some of us dressing up in clothes and military uniforms from the 1940's."