Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Christmas Reminders
Please can all Christmas Concert costumes be in by tomorrow in time for our dress rehearsal on Friday.

Choir children need
girls - a Cinderella type 'rag' dress
boys - an Oliver type costume ( trousers, shirt, waistcoat, dai cap)

Christmas dinner is now Thursday 9th December

Year 3 Snow man

Year 3

Our Snow Bear

Take a look at the Year 3 entry to the Snowman competition.

Monday, 6 December 2010


Multiplication Games
Find below websites for lots of games that will help you practice your 2,3,5 and 10 times tables when your not in school. A fun way to keep occupied in this cold weather.
Car Wash !
Select the times table you want to revise and then clean the cars by selecting the correct answer!
If you get them correct you then get to race the car ! Email me at
to let me know your fastest times!

Answer the questions correctly and make your Granny win!
Maths Models
Answer the questions and dress the models in the most stylish clothes

Thursday, 6 May 2010

A walk around the locality

We follwed a route to find out how much rubbish there was in Gelli. We found that the problem areas were the Industrial Estate and the River. We were all suprised that we only passed one bin on our journey.

Solutions thought of to clean up area

Josh thought that if there were more bins around the Factories there would be less rubbish.

Shauna suggested writing letters to the companies asking them to be responsible for their areas.

Ieuans' idea was that we could arrange a litter pick along the river banks.

Question and Answers

We interviewed Mr Click about what life was like in Gelli in the 1940's.

Blue Peter Badge Winner

Nicholas Schindler has been awarded the Blue Peter badge for his Moon landing powerpoint presenation.


If you have not seen the video yet, have a look at it below on older posts

Sunday, 25 April 2010

Check out our Dance lesson

L.O. To create a rumble to our volcanoe with your group

  • To work cooperatively
  • To use different levels
  • To use link movements fluently
  • To observe others

Our class target for next lesson is to show the different tempos clearly

Thursday, 22 April 2010


Don't forget to click onto our PESS blog to see all our sporting success

Road Safety Magic Show


Gardening with Colin

Visit to Cardiff Reform Synagogue

On Wednesday 21st April we went on a train to Cardiff to visit the Synagogue. We learnt all about what Jew believe and what they wear to pray. We all had to wear hats on our heads called Kippahs.

Also we were allowed to look at the holy scrolls which are very special to the Jews. Jake found it interesting that one of the scrolls came from Germany. It was buried there just before the Holocaust.

look at some of out pictures below

Sunday, 18 April 2010

Spelling Words

Group 1
Dydd Llun (Monday)
Dydd Mawrth (Tuesday)
Dydd Mercher (Wednesday)

Group 2

Friday, 9 April 2010

multiplication games added

I have added interactive games to help practise your tables. Scroll down to links under the 3 times table

Our 1960's Day

We planned a fashion show, disco and TV interview to present what we have found out and learnt this term about fashion and music in the 1960's.


Making and Evaluating Our Healthy Breakfasts


We designed and printed pictures using a Spongebob theme.

We researched images on the internet.
We looked at Andy Warhal prints
We sketched ideas
We explored colours that were popoular during the pop art period

We transfered our designs on tiles

We printed our pictures

Science Investigation

Which paper is most absorbent?

We planned and carried out an experiment to find out which paper would be best to wipe up the tipped water.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

News & Reminders

  • Not all children have brought in their home task from half term to find out about an event in the 1960's. Please can these all be brought to school by Friday 26th March.

  • A letter will be coming home tomorrow with a small list ingredients Your child has designed a healthy breakfast and will have the opportunity to make this on Friday afternoon. If you would like your child to take part in this activity please can they bring the food they need to school on Friday morning.

  • Next Wednesday we are having our 60's fashion show and disco. As discussed in parents evening your child will need a costume for this day. A special bought costume is not necessary. If you talk to the children they should know what type of clothes, colours, patterns and accessories were worn.

Hit your Target

Please help your child hit their target. They need to learn their 3 times table.
Use the links below to play games to practise your tables

Thursday, 4 March 2010

World Book Day

Tomorrow we will be celebrating world book day. Please can your child bring their favourite book to school so they can share it with the class. Look out for photos of the class dressed up as their favourite characters.

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Telling the Time

We have been learning to tell the time. We also solved lots of time problems which took a lot of working out and thinking!
Don't forget to keep telling the time at home for extra practise. Wearing a watch will also help.

Swimming Tomorrow

A quick reminder to parents that swimming will start tomorrow and continue every Thursday until Easter. Your child will need a swimming costume, towel and goggles.
Thank you

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Taking a Closer Look

We used magnifying glasses and the Whiteboard microscope to take a closer look at paper.

Making timelines

Joe and Evan created a timeline of events that they researched.

History Clothes

We looked at lots of photos from the 1940'sand 1960's. We used them to discuss the fashion from those decades. We used these sources to design clothes for our display.
Shauna says she would "prefer to wear clothes from the 60's as they were cooler and much brighter".
Joel and Joe prefered the 1940's especially the uniforms that the HomeGuard use to wear.

Sorting Different Paper

We sorted lots of different papers. Some
groups sorted them into rough and smooth piles.
We thought of lots of different words to describe the different papers.